Charlie Scott's 2022 Jazz Festival Poster
After two years with COVID-19, 2022 became the year were Copenhagen Jazz Festival was back to the good old days before the pandemic. Therefore it was also time for a new program for the local Copenhagen venue, Charlie Scott’s. As a tradition for earlier posters made for Charlie Scott’s, the design needs to incorporate an artist who has played on the bar’s stage. BDP. aimed to create a poster with a simple yet modern look. We based the design on some of the posters you will find in Danish high-end department stores. But at the same time, we needed to feature the artist. This year it was the piano player Chris Copen who got picked. The poster incorporates a picture of Chris Copen from a studio session in 2019 in New Orleans.
We took a regular photo and changed it into a piece of art. With the photo manipulated, we created the final poster. The poster features a photo in the middle of a main white poster. Around the photo, you’ll find the bar’s name, festival, and year. Here we have used the font OSWALD. A font that gives you a simple and modern look.